简介: 日本的女性声优,隶属于JTB娱乐。千叶县出身。身高150cm,血型为A型。 2011年,LoveLive!的东条希一角为声优的出道作。以前曾在秋叶原的女仆咖啡厅“Cafe la vie en rose”打工。 2013年、与LoveLive!中饰演西木野真姬的Pile组成“Please&Secret”。同年与渡部优衣、山口立花子、西森梨花、鹫见真美组成“タビカレガールズ”。同年11月6日发行首张CD。 中学时期听完神谷明的演讲之后,认为自己没有成为声优的资质。进入高中后,某次前往观赏竹内顺子的舞台演出后,决定朝着声优这个目标努力。
简介: Anya Chalotra is an English actress, best known for playing ‘Jennifer Ashman’ in the British drama series ‘Wanderlust.’ Chalotra made headlines in 2018 when she was cast as ‘Yennefer’ in the upcoming ‘Netflix’ fantasy drama ‘The Witcher.’ It is based on a book series that was later turned into a popular video-game series. However, many fans were not happy with the makers’ decision of casting Chalotra as ‘Yennefer.’