简介: 夏尔·安德烈·约瑟夫·马里·戴高乐(法语:Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle,1890年11月22日-1970年11月9日)是法国军事家、政治家,曾在第二次世界大战期间领导自由法国运动,战后短暂出任临时总统,后由于左派政党反对他要求加强总统权力的宪法被迫辞职。1958年成立法兰西第五共和国并出任第一任总统。在法国,戴高乐通常被称为“戴高乐将军”(Général de Gaulle)甚至简称“将军”(Le Général)。 1944年盟军攻克法国后,戴高乐成为法兰西共和国临时政府主席,1946年因反对总统没有实权,与左翼的政治斗争失利而辞去职务。1958年,戴高乐因阿尔及利亚战争重返政坛,制定新宪法,成立法兰西第五共和国并当选第一任总统,1965年成功连任,直至1969年因公投失利辞去总统的职务。 戴高乐支持发展核子武器、制定泛欧主义外交政策、支持欧洲大陆联合为大欧洲、扩大法国影响力、努力减少美国和英国的影响、促使法国退出北约、反对英国加入欧洲共同体、奉行与盟友不同的外交政策,这一系列思想政策被称为戴高乐主义。
简介: Andre Kim is an actor/writer who is known for his work on Degrassi: The Next Generation, Defiance and Dumb Luck. Andre Kim studied theatre at both Cawthra Park Secondary School and University of Toronto Mississauga. Andre was born in Edmonton Alberta and moved to Toronto Ontario when he was 6. Andre's goal is to continue to hone his craft in acting and writing while trying to bring something different to the world of entertainment. He is of Korean descent. He was sent to the principal's office in 10th grade for holding his friend's shirt while his friend ran through the Cafe in his underwear. His favourite bands are Fun and 30 Seconds to Mars. He started acting when he was eight years old. He has a dog named Oreo. His fans are called"Hobbits". The sweetest thing a fan has done is write him a letter. His favourite shows are Games of Thrones and Breaking Bad. He is an only child. He is afraid of spiders.