简介:泽纶娅·秀利隆坤泽坤(Kaew),1992年6月22日出生于泰国曼谷,泰国女歌手、演员。2007年以女子组合FFK出道,代表作有专辑《FFK》、《Miz U 2》等。 演艺经历 2011年主演电视剧《超级明星的爱恋》。2016年出演电视剧《爱情配方》饰演King。2018年出演电视剧《金色相片》饰演year,同年出演电视剧《命中注定爱上我》饰演Nas。
简介: . Barrett Carnahan was born and raised in the state of Ohio. He grew up performing in plays in his local community and has been in love with acting ever since. Soon after graduating from high school, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream.