简介: Olly Alexander (born 1990) is an English actor, script writer and lead singer of the band Years & Years. Alexander's acting career began in theatre plays and films such as Summerhill and Bright Star, which was nominated for an Oscar, four individual wins and another eighteen nominations. He has also starred in films such as Tormented starring Alex Pettyfer, Enter the Void, and his most applauded performance in the film Gulliver's Travels starring Jack Black. Alexander also has written the script for a film which he is also starring in by the name of The Dish & the Spoon which was released in early 2011. 早年经历 第一次见到奥利·亚历山大的人总是对他毛茸茸的卷发留下深刻印象,“它大概是我现在得到工作的唯一原因”,奥利并不完全是在开玩笑。想练体操,想成为乒乓球运动员,想当诗人,想组乐队,最后才击中他的是做演员。2008年他首次触电,出演了电视片《夏山小学》,片中演员还包括后来被挑中出演哈利·波特的杰西·卡芙。奥利的突破来自于加斯帕·诺继《不可撤销》后的新作《遁入虚无》,该片入围了2009年第62届戛纳电影节的竞赛单元。同时在另一部竞赛片《明亮的星》中,奥利·亚历山大出演了济慈(本·威士肖)的弟弟汤姆。不仅是在大导演作品中亮相,奥利·亚历山大还与亚历克斯·帕蒂弗等同龄人合作青春恐怖片《折磨》,扮演一位不受欢迎的怪人。而他在《遁入虚无》中出卖朋友、下场恐怖,只有三位演员的《尘土》中又要挑战姐弟乱伦,残酷青春可谓尝了个遍。“大概是人们认为我身上隐藏着某种鬼祟、邪恶的特质,我不知道”,奥利表示,“然而一个能够出卖他最好的朋友的角色演起来有趣的多。”同时奥利·亚历山大也是一支来自伦敦的独立乐队Years&Years的主唱。