简介: Mala Sinha玛拉·辛哈1936年11月11日出生于印度加尔各答一个尼泊尔血统的家庭。她是前宝莱坞女演员,由于她的才华和美貌, 她在二十世纪50年代、二十世纪60年代和二十世纪70年代初成为印度电影的顶级女主角,演绎了无数经典。从1952年出道至1994年,她已主演了超过100部电影作品。
简介: Tamara Rojo CBE (born 17 May 1974) is a Spanish ballet dancer. She is the artistic director of the English National Ballet, as well as a lead principal dancer. She was previously a principal dancer with The Royal Ballet.
简介: She is an actress and musician. She was born in Argentina and lives in Spain. Her stage name as a singer is Rizha. Tamara is known for her work on Ente (2014), Skam Espa?a (2018) and The Same.