简介: Amy Davis Irving (born September 10, 1953) is an American film, stage, and television actress. She began her film career with a role in the 1976 horror film Carrie, followed by a lead role in the 1978 supernatural thriller The Fury. She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for Yentl (1983), and for a Golden Globe Award for the comedy Crossing Delancey (1988). Her other film appearances include Deconstructing Harry (1997), Traffic (2000), and Adam (2009). 演艺经历 九个月大就在母亲的怀抱中登上了舞台。后来全家迁居纽约,欧文进入资优儿童学校,同时又在曼哈顿著名青少年管弦乐团担任小提琴手。长大后进伦敦戏剧学院就读。毕业之后重返洛杉矶,开始参加舞台剧的演出,处女作是《罗密欧与茱丽叶》。由于她占了外型和演技上的优势,很快便进入电视界,演出了无数的剧集。76年和茜茜·史派克一同合作了校园恐怖片《嘉莉》,从此跃上了银幕。她在80年主演的《旗鼓相当》备受好评,83年的《杨朵》更获提名最佳女配角金像奖。星途正亮之际,于85年嫁给大导演史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格,4年后离婚,仍然继续演戏。